Monday Morning Reminders From The Most Supportive Self

Reminders from my Soulful Self aka Supportive Self:
1. Life is akin to riding a bicycle. Keep pedaling because when you stop, you either fall off the bike or stay stationary without forward movement.
2. Every morning I am grateful to be above the ground and breathing because I know there was a woman my age who did not get up today.
3. The Uni-Verse generously gives me 168 hrs/week and trusts that I will use them wisely. When they are gone, what do I have to show for it?
4. Mis-Take is just that, no more no less. Keep taking Action( Act-On), and before long you will have more takes than misses. I AM Winning.
5. Duality is a given on this physical planet: Ups/Downs. Good/Bad. Fear/Love. Left/Right, Heads/Tails etc etc. Ask: What is the gift here for me?
6. In the Sea/Saw of Life: Our heart is the fulcrum between Above and Below. ALL things are a call for Love or the demonstration of it.
7. Getting to know my EGO(Protective Self) vs Soulful(Supportive Self), both are needed to live on this physical planet. Choose to flip: Tails/Heads.
8. The body is the Scuba suit I put on to dive in the ocean of life for about 800,000 hrs. The tank of AIR(Above In Reverse) is free from Source.
ATOMIC HABITS are the vehicle I use daily to balance my PEMS (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) and stay on my Life Bicycle for a safe, fun, and quality life, the Movie of Nina.
Journey On! Always in my heart pocket.
Life Coach Nina aka Your Professional Friend