Now how do we build this geometric shape?
CLARITY is a naturally emergent property of innate thinking. It is important for living a life that is successful on the inside as well as the outside. Innate thinking is a model of natural capacity for experience. The Thinking, Feeling, and Perceiving loop that every person is born with generates 100% of our experience of life, moment by moment. We are always living in the feeling of our thinking. Our wisdom will remind us of this, and all we need to do is relax and allow the system to self correct. If we’re pointed in the wrong direction, we adjust as necessary. We are willing to make mistakes and learn from them. We keep increasing our clarity of understanding because we’re far more than we think. We discover our path in life by walking it. The benefits we naturally experience by allowing are:
- An effortlessly clear mind
- More time for what is important
- Improved decision making
- Better performance where it counts
- Have the results that matter to us
- Harmonious relationships
- Reduced stress levels
- More passion and purpose in life
- An increased genuine engagement in all areas of our life in body, heart, mind, and spirit
Clarity is the key to solving personal and planetary issues that confront us as we move into the 21st century. The age of information and thought evolution. This will occur naturally as we give up superstitious thinking and embark on being who we really are. Spiritual beings having a human and physical experience. Life was meant to be joyful, abundant, and fun, as we are guests on this most beautiful, loving, caring mother earth. Live in gratitude.
DRAGONS: Seven dragons appear to block the path of all human beings, they are:
- Arrogance
- Self-Deprecation
- Impatience
- Martyrdom
- Greed
- Self-Destruction
- Stubbornness
They are merely icons, powerful images that represent danger and fear. Also known as the seven deadly sins. Identify yours and slay them by simply choosing to embody their opposites. Lay them down, do not fight them. Thank them for their gifts and pointing you to their favorable counterparts. Awareness creates choice, resistance creates pain. Remember that the world you see is an outside picture of your inner condition, and that all things are lessons the Universe would have you learn. The earth is a school and we each have an individualized curriculum. You can not fail, unless you refuse to do the work.
Dr. Stevens writes that there are seven stages in our maturity development akin to the same stages we went through to become physical adults:
- Infant
- Toddler
- Child
- Adolescent
- Adult
- Elder
- Master
From the age of 25 to 100 there are adult bodies that still function as infants; Me-Me all the way up to the adult stage. However, no matter what stage you find yourself in, hope lives eternal when you are motivated to finally grow up. The world needs adults and elders desperately. 2020 was a year to Stop, Look, and Choose as the whole world came to a screeching halt complements of COVID-19. 2021 gave each and everyone of us time to evaluate where we have been and where we are heading. It is never too late to make a 180 degree turn in your life. We need to decide now. Ask: “What would I love to Be, Do, and Have such that my life is fulfilled, joyful, and abundant in all areas? The answers are within you. Go for it.
EASY WORLD is the apex of the triangle after acquiring clarity and slaying the dragons. This is the mountaintop where the view is beautiful. Simply put, “choose an easy world, where everything is easy and everyone is out to enhance your well being.” How do you do this?
The author gives a simple example of watching TV with only two channels: channel 1 is Easy World and channel 2 is Difficult World. You decide which channel to watch by clicking it. Imagine deciding to watch the news or national geographic. You know exactly what to expect when you click on either channel. Where you’re in your life now will guide you. Are you tired of Difficult World and all that it offers? Have you had enough suffering, pain, and disappointments? Are you willing to see a new world? This planet is based on duality, opposites, and they are not good or bad, they just are. How else would we learn? What happens when you put a finger in the fire? Ouch! You learn not to do that again. Think of good and bad, up and down, all the opposites as the lines on the freeway. They let you know you have gone too far to the right or left, and you calmly steer your car back to the center. As such, on the highway of life you get to do the same, unless you want to experience an accident. Simply put, you must choose Easy World or Difficult World on a moment to moment basis. Think of how they send a rocket out to space, it does not shoot straight, it zigzags making corrections all the way to its destination. You are the programmer(NASA). Where is your next destination in your life?
Einstein said: “Everything is energy, and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way, this is not philosophy, this is physics.” Another Example is a caterpillar going into a cocoon and then coming out as a beautiful butterfly. The programming was always there, the caterpillar just surrendered and allowed the divine plan to be fulfilled. We are higher than an insect, with an incredible homing pigeon programming to Easy World. It will take Faith, Trust, and Belief to know that we’re worthy of the very best life has to offer. How does it get any better than this? As a fellow traveller, I support you in finding the support you need to get your life humming and going in the direction of wellness in all areas. I believe in you.
Life Coach Nina AKA Your Professional Friend