I highly recommend “Atomic Habits” by James Clear to everyone I coach. It will aid, assist, and support them in achieving their goals. It takes consistency to form new habits: 21-42-67-90 days. Done daily after 90 days it is as natural as brushing one’s teeth. Discipline is key here because if one does not plan, they by default, are planning to fail. The motivation comes from having a deep desire to achieve a goal.
The routines we already have can be piggybacked on with a new habit that we want to acquire. For example, my goal is to drink 8 glasses of pure water a day. How do I achieve this: As soon as I wake up, the first thing I do is drink my 1st glass. Before breakfast I drink the 2nd, before lunch, I drink the 3rd, after my yoga I drink the 4th. Before dinner I drink the 6th, after my walk I drink the 7th, and finally an hour before bed I drink the 8th. I fill up a jug with this water every night before I go to bed, and put it on the kitchen counter where I make my morning cup of tea. Notice I piggyback this on things I already do, as such; I do not have to plan it. I hold a firm picture in my mind of what I want to feel and look like. 5′ 2″, 111 lbs, Size 5. Radiant health is the motivator here. I am glad to report that I have maintained this for the past 6 months. Simply put, a journey of 1000 miles begins with one step.
One cannot get to their destination without knowing where they are going, how long it will take, and what to do to get there. Choose a habit that will propel you to a goal that is truly meaningful to you. Heath is a lifetime goal that has great benefits. As we age, it becomes obvious that our quality of life depends on this vessel called the body to carry us as we journey on. Atomic Habits will propel you to also balance your PEMS: Physical Body, Emotions, Mind, and Spirit, the 4 tires of your “Life Car”. Akin to the car you drive, you check the tires and the dashboard before driving. You’re the driver of your life too. Plan a safe and fun life, because each day is the 1st day of the rest of your life, and before you know it 800,000 hrs later, the average lifetime of a human, it’s over.
Bon Voyage…….
Multitasking is a MYTH. I highly encourage all to read Gary Keller’s best selling book that dives into the importance of giving your full attention to one task and one task only until you see it to completion. I am proud to incorporate many of these valuable lessons into my coaching sessions with clients.
It is never too early to contemplate this topic. No one knows when the time will come to leave this planet. Some are young, others are middle aged, and some make it to old age. We can choose from this moment a life without regrets by being, doing, and having a life we are passionate about.
You can choose to live in Easy World or Difficult World. It’s like watching TV, we choose either channel 1 or channel 2. This book is a guide to opting out of struggle and strife (Channel 2), and choosing to live in the amazing realm where everything is easy (Channel 1). Breathe…Release… Relax…. Allow….Flow….Enjoy. Here magic, manifestations, and miracles thrive.
Identify your primary and secondary dragons from this list: Arrogance, Self-Deprecation, Impatience, Martyrdom, Self-Destruction, Greed, and Stubbornness then release them with forgiveness and compassion. Remember their opposites are the hidden gifts for you. Mine are Impatience and Stubbornness, and herein lies my gifts of Patience and Allowing. I’m grateful.
Time is money! Each of us only have 168 hours/ week, how do you spend yours? This video by The Academy of Ideas has challenged me to examine how I spend my productive time and my leisure time. I am sure it will challenge you as well. Remember it is imperative for us as humans to always to be growing.
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