It Is Safe To Look Within
My message for you today is inspired by this Louise L. Hay quote:
IT IS SAFE TO LOOK WITHIN. Who are you? Why are you here? What are your beliefs about life? This means going within, but what does that mean?
I believe there is a power within each of us that can lovingly direct us to our perfect health, relationships, careers, and that can bring us PROSPERITY of every kind in all areas of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual lives. In order to have these things, we have to believe first that they are possible. Next, we must be willing to RELEASE the patterns, behaviors, and actions in our lives that are creating conditions we say we do not want. We do this by going within and tapping the INNER power that already knows what is best for us. Thought-Word-Feeling-Deed. If and when we are willing to turn our lives over to this great power within us, this power that loves us and sustains us. Now we are in a position and ready to create, invite, allow the flow of more loving and abundant lives.
We ask, we receive, as we seek, we find, and as we knock, it’s opened for us. Now ask yourself: Do I believe in Me? I believe in you always. Be well.
Life Coach Nina aka Your Professional Friend